It breaks my heart to think about every stray and feral cat that has to endure harsh weather conditions each winter.
If I could help every single one of them and provide a warm shelter, believe me, I would!
Since that’s not possible, I’m grateful there are so many kind-hearted people around the world who are ready to step in and offer these kitties the love and warmth they deserve.
Take Chris, for example – a fellow cat lover whose mission is to give second chances to cats in need.
One particularly cold winter, he stepped up to help save two stray cats in Illinois who were on the brink of losing everything to the freezing temperatures.
The Rescue Of Clarence And Midnight, The Trailer Park Cats

One cold winter day, Chris received a call from a kind woman about two stray cats that had been roaming around a trailer park.
She had been feeding the cats, hoping to gain their trust, but wanted to do more – she wanted to get them somewhere safe and warm.
So, she reached out to Chris for help in trapping the two elusive furballs.
Moved by her determination and kindness, Chris gladly accepted the call and set out to catch the cats, hoping to give them a better chance at life.

To begin, Chris loaned the woman two traps so she could place food inside and get the cats used to them.
Since the cats had been seeking shelter around the trailer park, it was only a matter of time before they would come sniffing around the traps, attracted by the scent of the tasty food.
And sure enough, that’s exactly what happened!
The woman set the traps early one morning, and by 6:15 a.m., she called Chris to let him know she had successfully trapped one of the cats – a tabby boy named Clarence.

It didn’t take long before the second cat, a beautiful black feline named Midnight, walked right into the trap as well.
Overjoyed by the success of their rescue, Chris and the woman brought the cats inside and made sure they were comfortable, surrounding them with warm blankets and heaters to help them get cozy.
The food in the traps had frozen solid – that’s how cold it was outside!
It’s heartbreaking to think that these poor kitties had to endure such harsh temperatures all alone, with no place to find shelter.
Thankfully, all of that was behind them now!

Both Clarence and Midnight were a little shaken by the whole experience. They were frightened and extremely vocal but also seemed relieved and grateful to finally be safe.
Despite their nerves, they allowed their rescuers to pet them, showing they were beginning to feel comfortable and content, even though they were still a bit on edge.
For Chris, ensuring that the cats he rescues are in good health is a top priority, so the next step was to take Clarence and Midnight to the local vet.
Both cats underwent thorough exams. The vet ran blood tests, checked their teeth and ears, and gave them their vaccinations.
He even checked to see if they were microchipped, hoping it might lead to their owners. Unfortunately, neither Clarence nor Midnight had an ID chip.
Chris also reached out to local Illinois Animal Control to see if any similar cats had been reported missing, but, sadly, there were no matches.

Thankfully, both Clarence and Midnight were in excellent health! They were still young, no older than a few years, and both had been spayed and neutered.
Everything suggested they had once been indoor cats who either escaped or were cruelly abandoned by their previous family.
Regardless of how they ended up on the streets, the important thing was that they were finally safe, ready to embrace whatever the future held for them.
Happily Ever After

Lady Moxie’s, a local pet supply store in Woodstock, Illinois, graciously offered to take Clarence and Midnight in, providing them with a temporary shelter.
This turned out to be a wonderful stroke of luck, as it gave the two cats the perfect chance to socialize with both humans and other animals!

After about two weeks of being rescued, the long-awaited day finally arrived: Adoption Day!
A kind woman came across a Facebook post about Clarence and Midnight and instantly fell in love with them.
She didn’t hesitate to drive an hour to Lady Moxie’s to adopt them both. How amazing is that?
Today, Clarence and Midnight are living the good life indoors, leaving their cold past behind as they purr contentedly in their warm home with their forever family, who loves and cherishes them.